Nicole Nau

Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań

Peter Arkadiev

Institute of Slavic Studies, Russian State University for the Humanities & Sholokhov Moscow State University for the Humanities, Moscow


Towards a standard of glossing Baltic languages: The Salos Glossing Rules


This paper proposes guidelines for interlinear morpheme glossing of modern Latvian and Lithuanian. The general principles follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules, a widely accepted standard in contemporary linguistics. The authors show how these rules may be adapted to the specifics of Baltic morphology. Details of nominal and verbal morphology of Latvian and Lithuanian are discussed and illustrated with examples of adequate glossing. Wherever possible, the same principles are proposed for both Latvian and Lithuanian, which will facilitate a comparison of these languages. However, different solutions are proposed in some cases where the two languages differ significantly and different interpretations are possible, and those are discussed in particular detail.